Wednesday 22 June 2011

Day 3 - Copenhagen we decided that the best way to see this city is by bike. It is the number. One method of transportation, so we need to get onboard with how the locals do things.
The girls woke up around 5am this morning, and we managed to get them to lie around for another hour or so and then Avery wanted breakfast. Glad we bought the cereal on day 1 for these guys as nothing is open this early. So they happily munched away on that and we just had some nice time together killing time before venturing out.

We took the metro towards the central station and tried the first bike rental place looming for one of those family bikes with the built in trailer. No we headed to the second one.
This one, the Baisikeli bike shop at Turesensgade 10, was a winner. This is also where the bike with Mike tours depart from at 10 am every morning, but we decided that we wanted to do our own thing and not do a guided tour even though we have heard good things about his tour.

We didn't get the brand of bike that we wanted to try out, but it was neat to have a bike with both girls in a trailer at the front. It was weather protected and the girls loved it!

 We headed to Osterpro first to check out that neighborhood. It was really neat, lots of cafes and great shops, then we looped back towards the city centre along the water, going by the cruise ship terminals and then stopping at the famous little mermaid. We then rode further along the harbor and through Amalienborg and past the palace.

We then rode past the Opera house (on the opposite side of the harbour) and then past the Theatre, which is a stunning building inside and out. My favourite among many so far.

We stopped for lunch back near Nyhavn at Emmery's. A delicious place. We had yummy sandwiches and treats and good coffee...which has been surprisingly hard to find.

After lunch it was time to head across the river to Christianshavn. Definitely a different vibe over here. Very eccentric. We stopped off at Christiania, and althoug Dave and I both have an open mind, the vibe was such that we decided not to take the girls into this alternative living community. Dave took a walk in, but we decided that this was not the place to explore with the girls. So we headed back the other way into the Islands Brygge neighbourhood and promised the girls a playground, which we found along this beautiful waterfront park and seawall.


The girls had a great time here before it was back onto the bikes to hit up Vesterpro. We were unfortunately not able to get to this neighborhood easily from where we were because of the train tracks, so we rode past Tivoli and headed back to return our bikes. We have decided that we are not going to go to Tivoli...patly because it's expensive, but also because we think it will be a lot like Playland and that the girls will be too little to ride anything. It might be the wrong decision, but our days have been pretty full already considering the jet lag we are all suffering from.

By the time we dropped off the bikes, Cadence was asleep and poor Dave had to carry Cadence to the Metro. When we got there the system was down and we ended up waiting quite a while and then cramming into a very full train to get back.

That about did us in for our last day. We covered lots of ground and feel like we really saw all the parts of the city that we wanted to. We really enjoyed the city and got a pretty good sense of it, but we are looking forward to moving on and seeing other things. 

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