Thursday 23 June 2011

A Brief History of the Moustache

Why this you might ask...well I might have forgotten to mention that Dave is growing a moustache.  He figured that he'd be able to grow this thing and shave it off when he got home without anyone being the wiser....he forgot of course that I'm going to have photographic evidence of it...I actually might even suggest he keep it long term...I don't mind it on him.  A little too early to make a definitive judgement...we'll soon see.

Moustache BeginningsAdolf Hitler
Moustaches have been theoretically possible since flint razors where first fashioned around 30,000 B.C, although it’s unknown whether or not Stone Age man sported the first ever example of upper-lip topiary.

The moustache is usually a proud signifier of impending pubescent transformation; it is an effective visual marker for the journey from boy to manhood. In the past, the thickness of a man’s moustache denoted military rank and experience, with new recruits making do with wispy whiskers, while seasoned commanders could show off luscious beards.    
Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill the ButcherNotable Moustaches
The last century also saw the strong negative connotations of moustaches come to the fore; Hitler and Stalin will forever associate the ‘tache with callous dictatorship, yet it also worth remembering that these were two intensely charismatic individuals whose striking physical appearances added some weight to their leadership credentials.

Facial hair as an indicator of villianry has been perpetuated in modern fiction and is up there with an English accent as a signpost of immoral intentions; examples include Daniel Day-Lewis's Bill the Butcher from Gangs of New York and Bugs Bunny's nemesis Yosemite Sam.

The 1980s were the last time the moustache was truly fashionable; Tom Selleck’s Magnum P.I. had an iconic chevron moustache, which only added to his sex appeal, while professional wrestler Hulk Hogan defied conventional wisdom and somehow managed to get away with a bleached blond horseshoe 'tache.
Hulk Hogan's 80s 'tache       Magnum P.I. moustache

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