The hotel, Hotel Malik’s, puts on a really nice breakfast for the guests. It’s pretty common for most places to include breakfast. As I mentioned, we did almost all our hotel bookings through, and so far things have worked out well.
After breakfast we head out individually to explore. We also send out clothes to be washed. All these hot days have not been kind to our clothes!
Bukhara is known for its beautiful turquoise domes and amazing tile work. Its also known for lots of opportunity for shopping. It does not disappoint. I’ve never seen architecture so beautiful.
We wander the streets and domes looking at the wares for sale, we visit a beautiful mosque and we stop in a German style cafe (their description- not really very German but the coffee was good!) where I get a real latte! It’s called Cafe Wishbone.
The heat deserves some description here, it’s really really hot. It’s also really dry though, the humidity index is incredibly low, so while it’s 47° or more, who knows, it is somewhat bearable is small doses and with lots of water.
I had bought mini rechargeable fans for the girls as well as these cool cloths that you wet and then shake and somehow by magic they stay cool. These things are genius and the girls have been using them constantly.
We wander through the streets of Bukhara and find a great place for lunch. It’s outdoors but in a beautiful courtyard. The food at Mavrigi is amazing and well worth the heat. We discover as we leave that we are right around the corner from the hotel which is very fortuitous as it’s now getting to the hottest part of the day so we head to our rooms to rest until later when the temperature drops.
Our laundry gets returned beautifully cleaned and pressed. It’s such small things like clean underwear that can make a girl happy!
We look up restaurants for dinner and make a reservation and what we understand to be one of the nicest dinners options in town.
As we arrive at Ayvan Restaurant and the room is majestic. Apparently it was built in 1886 by a Jewish merchant. Unfortunately their power is partially out which means no AC. It makes for a very hot meal. The food is good, I think lunch was better, but it’s good and the room is really amazing. The power comes on in time for dessert so we linger a little longer in the cool.
We decide to stroll around the main square on our way back to the hotel. It’s alive with people and families and we enjoy taking in the atmosphere before heading back to our hotel. I’m looking forward to another great sleep!
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