Thursday, 23 July 2015

Day 7 - Belgrade to Sarajevo

We got up early this morning with slight headaches and the drivers (Bruce + Dave) went off to the Crown Plaza Hotel to pick up our rental cars.  I was happily tidying and packing up when it was announced that we actually had to be out of our rooms in 10 minutes! Yikes…we had to get our act together. 

We quickly finished packing and dumped everything out into the living room of the hostel.  Once the cars arrived we loaded up.  The cars were a little smaller this time. I have no idea what kind of car we had…but it was like a little sardine can with no guts and no space.  Thankfully we were able to fit the girls across the back seat okay and the luggage in the trunk. We were off an surprisingly out of the city very quickly.  It is another stinking hot day today…40 degrees at least.  Its nice to be driving in an air conditioned car as its honestly way to hot to be outside.  We head West and then drop down South heading towards the Bosnian border crossing.

We stop at a fruit stand just before the border to spend some of our remaining money and get a snack.  I say to Dave “maybe ask if its okay to take fruit over the border”.  He asks a fellow standing at the stand and he replies “ya…its no problem - you can take guns across the border” and he laughs!

Crossing the border is quick and painless.  Shortly after the border we detour slightly out to the west to drive through the family village of my dear friend Angie.  We take some photos and carry on south towards Sarajevo. 

We make a stop at a roadside shop for some sandwiches and honestly, I think they are one of the best we’ve had on this trip..the bread is so fresh! Good job Dave with the hand signals as they spoke no english.

The drive is absolutely stunning.  The water in Bosnia is apparently very good and there are spouts along the sides of the roads everywhere with people filling up.

We make a brief stop in Mostar to visit the famous bridge but its a whopping 43 degrees out so we are literally out to take a photo, we grab a drink at a neat little cafe with an energetic woman running it and then back to the car.  Its just too hot!  Mostar is lovely though.

People do drive crazy over here, they pass at any opportunity on blind corners driving super fast, and we find the drive through the mountains a bit stressful.  Its also very windy and we don’t come out unscathed.  Fiona gets carsick but we give her some gravel and carry on. 

Once we arrive into Sarajevo, we find our apartment and message the owner to come meet us.  The owner doesn’t speak english and bring along a friend to translate.  They are very nice and he just carries on in Bosnian as if i understand.  They would like to take us on a tour the next day but we are tired and don’t want to be in a car all day the next day so we decline, deciding we will figure things out on our own.
We have a quick rest before we head over the bridge and into the old town. The apartment location is absolutely unbelievable.

I fall instantly in love with Sarajevo.  It is such a smaller scale to some of the cities we’ve been in recently.  It has a very nice comfortable feel.  We stroll along the main pedestrian street and stop off a a restaurant for dinner.  We enjoy a private room inside at the back and the dinner is very good.  They take good care of us and those house wine here is delicious.  It is Erik’s last night with us, so we bid him good bye as the boys are heading out on the town and he leaves very early the next morning.

We have an early night as we are all pretty tired.  The heat is really taking a lot out of us!

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